Monday, September 15, 2008

As Brown as I Wanna Be

This is hard for me to write about, because I was never really given a dialogue on race with my mother. My mom was in town this weekend, and it's so strange that this woman can have such a long history in interracial relationships and never have a conversation with her biracial daughters about race.

I'm a little bit tired of the confess-all, anguished mixed-kid autobiographies, but I'm about to plumb the resources for some ideas for launching conversations about race with my white mama, or at least for some guidance on how to even understand race in relation to her.

I love her. But I wonder, does she recognize her role as Midwestern, Middle Class White Babyboomer? Does she understand who my sister and I are and how we are inherently different from her because of who our father is? Does it matter that we understand race differently if indeed we are both "on the same side"?


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