On Google, there are over 100 hits dedicated to Hiny Hiders, but I'd say maybe half of the links take you to cloth diaper websites. What'd be funny is if there was a company that made panties, for instance, and called themselves Hiny Hiders. I suppose only Grannys would buy them though, right? Well, I'm part granny, so I might.
I digress.
The product was originally marketed by a Scranton-based family-owned business called Santana Products, Inc. but was bought out by Winston Partners/Scranton Products in 2005, I think.
What I find interesting is that this company, started in the 70s, is so widespread. Some of the hits on Google mention San Francisco, Philedelphia, Chicago; now Milwaukee. I guess there is room in the business world for whimsy in the otherwise dull world of bathroom fixtures.
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